You are here: Creating a transmittal > Adding documents to a submittal

Adding documents to a submittal

Adding documents to a submittal allows you to import the contents of a folder that resides outside of a vault for sending to recipients.

Before you begin

The submittal must have been already created as described in Creating a transmittal or in Selecting the recipients of a transmittal.

Documents may only be added to a submittal that is in an editable state in a workflow. If necessary, initiate a workflow for the transmittal before proceeding.

To add documents to a submittal:

  1. Select the submittal to which you want to add documents.
  2. Click Document, point to Transmittal Management, and then click Add to this Submittal. The Select Folder dialog box appears.
  3. Browse to and select the folder containing the documents that you want to add and click OK. The Add to Submittal dialog box appears.
  4. Select options and type values using the descriptions in the following table and click OK. The documents are imported to the submittal as New Documents.
Add to Submittal options



Return code

Select a value to identify the current status of the submittal.


Type a description of the submittal.

Related tasks

Creating a transmittal

Adding vault documents to a transmittal

Importing documents to a transmittal

Generating a transmittal sheet

Selecting the recipients of a transmittal

Sending a transmittal via email